AOWO has some critical information regarding fan blades they would like to share with you. Fan blades matter a lot since they circulate air inside of your house. This helps you remain cool on warm summer days, and hot on the cool side of winter months. As your fan blades age or get damaged, they may not perform efficiently. But this can cause issues with your fan. Below are some useful indications that your fan blades need to be changed.
The Fan Blades Are Not Spinning: If you observe that your fan blades aren’t rotating at all, this could indicate they are broken. That can occur if the blades are old or have sustained damage. Turning the fan off and attempting to spin the blades by hand can be a good idea. If they don’t move whatsoever, then it’s time to discard them. If it doesn’t spin, a fan isn’t going to cool or warm your room.
The Fan Doesn’t Seem to Move Air: If your fan isn’t circulating air in your room like it used to, it could have worn-down blades. This might mean that there’s less air flow, which means less cooling or heating in your home. If you find that your fan has stopped doing its job, it’s about time to check the blades and replace them if necessary. A well-functioning fan will make your home as comfortable as possible.
Signs that your fan blades are worn should not be overlooked. If you recognize any of the signs above, you should act and replace the blades. If you ignore these signals, you could end up damaging your fan even further or even causing a breakdown. A fan that doesn’t work properly can be dangerous and also expensive to repair. So, it is better to change the blades quickly so that these issues are not to occur.
Don’t reach for the tools to replace the fan blades yet if yours is making strange noises; troubleshooting the problem before replacing the blades is a good idea. Not all noise would be generated by the blades themselves. It can be a result of loose parts or dirt build up. In this case, cleaning the blades to remove dirt or tightening any loose parts may help. And if you applied this and the noise didn’t go away, it’s best to simply go on ahead and replace the blades so you don’t do more damage to your fan.
You may notice your fan is no longer cooling your home as effectively as it did, which could be because the fan's blades have worn down. Old blades can diminish airflow, meaning you won’t experience as much cooling air in your room. It’s worth checking the blades to see if they need replacing. Doing this simple thing will help your fan work optimally and keep you cool down on such hot days.
The sooner you replace your fan blades once you see any of the signs mentioned above, the better. One thing you can do is, of course, prevent further damage to your fan from freezing and a total breakdown. It’s good practice to check your fan blades regularly, and to replace them at least every few years. The regular process of cleaning is next to ensure your fan works well. After all, better safe than sorry when it comes to maintaining your fan.