Have an old ceiling fan in need of a refresh? If that is, then you are at the perfect place! Replace your old blades with these 20-inch replacement blades Let me know if I did it Copyright Swoon Living.
Changing up your ceiling fan blades is a straightforward change that anyone can make. All you need are a couple of easy steps, and the right tools! And you dont need to be an expert at this! Step 1 — Tools you will require You might need a screwdriver (and possibly a ladder if your fan is high up!) And after getting everything in place, you only need to follow the instructions found with your new blades. Before you know it, your fan will be back up and running again, and you can take pride in knowing that this repair was all done by yourself!
Getting new fan blades is bound to help your ceiling be more pleasant on the eyes and provide better airflow in a room. So your room will be cooler and you can feel more comfortable than with the brightest sun of hottest summer day. A Cool Breeze Can Make Quite A Difference For How Comfortable Your Space Feels! The added bonus is that you can have your new blades in a brand-new design or color of weights. That way you can customize your fan and make it fit perfectly with the room!
Are you concerned about how much replacing your fan blades will cost? The good thing is that something does not necessarily cost an arm and a leg; replacing this by just 20-inch blades come at only the end of determining their price. Ceiling fan blades are the perfect topper for old fans! Your new look will fool everyone into thinking you've purchased an all new ceiling fan, but at half the cost ($10-20)! And the best part? You can do it all by yourself, which helps you save even more money as opposed to hiring someone else. It's a win-win situation!
And afterwards you can now just sit back, relax and appreciate the cool breeze with your 20 inch fan blades in place. Having lovely feels good beyond belief! An upgraded ceiling fan in the room is a small touch that makes your lazy naps comfortable or those hot summer nights bearable.